This simple game is base on a mind game concept, the flow of this basic program is simply input a set of numbers to be guess, and enter a second set of number and check if there are match in every index of two(2) sets of numbers. If there is a number matched in the-same index it will count as one correct and it can sum-up the matched number, like for example, if the user input 123, and the second user input 125, obviously 1 and 2 are matched, and they are the same index in a sets, 1 found on index 0, and 2 found on index 1, and after getting the correct answer, it will sum it up and the answer is 3, obviously 1 + 2; now just take a look on the code below, its a little bit long solution, but i think it will be lessen, the basic way is to create a function to eliminate those redundant data and process.
package teamUndefined;
public class ahemAw {
public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException {
BufferedReader buff = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
String[] _myNum, _guess;
String _myNum2 = null, _guess2 = null, _sub = "A", _one = null, _two = null;
int _minus = 0, _index = 0, _correct = 0, _sum = 0, _length = 0, _b = 0;
System.out.print("Enter Number to Guess:");
_myNum2 = buff.readLine();
System.out.print("Enter Guess Number:");
_guess2 = buff.readLine();
if (_myNum2.length() == _guess2.length()) {
_guess = new String[_guess2.length()];
_myNum = new String[_myNum2.length()];
for (int i = 0; i < _guess2.length(); i++) {
_guess[i] = _guess2.substring(i , i + 1);
_myNum[i] = _myNum2.substring(i, i + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < _guess.length; i++) {
_one = _myNum[i];
_two = _guess[i];
if (_one.equals(_two)) {
_sum += Integer.parseInt(_two);
if (_myNum2.length() > _guess2.length()) {
_length =_myNum2.length();
_minus = _myNum2.length() - _guess2.length();
_b = 1;
else if (_myNum2.length() < _guess2.length()){
_length = _guess2.length();
_minus = _guess2.length() - _myNum2.length();
_b = 2;
_guess = new String[_length];
_myNum = new String[_length];
for (int i = 0; i < _length; i++) {
if (i < _minus){
if (_b == 1) {
_guess[i] = _sub;
else if(_b == 2){
_myNum[i] = _sub;
if (_b == 1) {
if (_guess2.length() < (_index + 1)) {
_guess[i] = _guess2.substring(_index, _index + 1);
for (int k = 0; k < _myNum2.length(); k++) {
_myNum[k] = _myNum2.substring(k, k + 1);
else if(_b == 2){
if (_myNum2.length() < (_index + 1)) {
_myNum[i] = _myNum2.substring(_index, _index + 1);
for (int k = 0; k < _guess2.length(); k++) {
_guess[k] = _guess2.substring(k, k + 1);
if (_b == 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < _guess.length; i++) {
_one = _guess[i];
_two = _myNum[i];
if (_one.equals(_two)) {
_sum += Integer.parseInt(_one);
else if (_b == 2){
for (int i = 0; i < _guess.length; i++) {
_one = _myNum[i];
_two = _guess[i];
if (_one.equals(_two)) {
_sum += Integer.parseInt(_two);
System.out.println("Correct: " + _correct + " Sum: " + _sum);
Note: if the user inputted different length of set numbers,
input 1: 123
input 2: 23
so, 23 become A23, to match the length of input 1 and shift it to the right.
How to create a number guessing game in Java
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